I am still alive...

Sorry for disappearing the last couple of weeks. I had my first wholesale order and it has kind of buried me. Wholesaling seems like such a great idea but I never realized the amount of time it would take to supply such a large order in such a short amount of time. Especially over the summer with all the kiddos at home. I realize that balancing your day is the key to success in any endeavor, but these last few weeks I have totally thrown that idea out the window. Usually I set aside a few hours a day dedicated to my work so the rest of the day I can spend playing, but these days I find myself multitasking. Inviting friends over to visit, sitting by the pool, even watching a movie with my hubby is all spent crocheting in order to finish this order. Don't get me wrong I am grateful for this opportunity, but at least I have learned what I am really capable of and what my terms will be for the next one.

On a lighter note I have come up with some really cute ideas for some Holiday flowers and I can't wait to get them made and posted. So stay tuned for those :)
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