Breathe and have Courage to Simplify

Going into my third year of choosing my One Little Word with Ali Edwards it always amazes me how my word always finds me. This year it wasn't any different. Though I did fight this word at first, I knew in the end it was meant to be. My word for 2015 is:

As I've taken my previous words into my life I have learned to Breathe and just slow down and enjoy each moment, to have the Courage that its okay to say no and to be myself and now with Simplify I want to work smarter not harder. By definition, to make things less complex. I love how each of these words are building on each other to help me become a better mother, wife and friend.

My goal in 2015 is to bring my life down to its simplest level of wife, mother, friend and business owner. I'm not going to compare what I'm doing wrong, or even right, to those that surround me. It is to easy to get caught up in the politics of life. "She" has what I want or why can't I be more like "her". The best is what is "she" doing right that I'm doing wrong. Who is this "she" that makes me feel so inadequate? It could be business's that I follow, people that I admire or friends that surround me. I don't want that to be my driving force. This year I want to let that go (feel free to break out in song now, lol) and focus on simplifying my life and how I can make it better for me and my family.

Here in this first week of January I don't know what this means for me, but I am so excited for this journey. 2015 lets do this!!!
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